
I can search it in oracle using SQL (not plsql) but don't know how to in odoo framework. Want to find as below -the middle part, which value is variable length-please help how to in python (.py) file where I can have an onchange function to assign this value to a computed field? enter image description here

can you show the fields in odoo? you want to extract data between 2 '-' or you want to find it?SDBot
thanks @SDBot again, as you can see screenshot, the resultset shows what I want to extract partial value ( middle part ) from complete value and assign to computed field. sorry for any inconvenience.Oralover

1 Answers


ok, try this:

value_field = fields.Char("Value")
extracted = fields.Char("Extracted", compute="_compute_extracted")

def _compute_extracted(self):
    for rec in self:
        split_str = (rec.value_field or '').split('-')
        rec.extracted = split_str[1] if len(split_str) > 1 else ''