
I have seen this dplyr mutate/replace several columns on a subset of rows and this Conditional replacement of values in a data.frame

I want to conditionally replace certain values in my dataframe with other values in my dataframe, based on the nested structure of my data.

I have a dataframe which, in some cases, has multiple rows representing a single study. In these cases, I have data representing overall ratings of the study (where effect = "All.outcomes.") followed by rows representing ratings of specific effects within the study (effect = "Study.1..Effect 1", for example). The rows representing specific effects nested within a study always have missing data on a number of variables. In these cases, I would like to replace the NA values in the specific effect rows with data from the "All.outcomes" row for each StudyID.

Missing data is always on given variables: q1, q2B, q2C, q2A, and q4. In the cases where there is missing data on these variables, I would like to fill in the data from the line where effects = "All.outcomes."

Here's what it looks like now:

     studyID         effect  q1  q11 q2B  q2C q2a   q4   q9
a    s100      All.outcomes low   NA low high low  low   NA
b    s100 Study.1..Effect.1  NA high  NA   NA  NA   NA  low
c    s100 Study.1..Effect.2  NA high  NA   NA  NA   NA  low
d    s101      All.outcomes low  low low high low  low  low
e    s102      All.outcomes low  low low high low high  low
f    s104      All.outcomes low   NA low high low  low   NA
g    s104 Study.1..Effect.1  NA  low  NA   NA  NA   NA  low
h    s104 Study.2..Effect.1  NA high  NA   NA  NA   NA high
i    s104 Study.3..Effect.1  NA  low  NA   NA  NA   NA  low

Here's how I want the dataframe to look:

     studyID         effect  q1  q11 q2B  q2C q2a   q4   q9
a    s100      All.outcomes low   NA low high low  low   NA
b    s100 Study.1..Effect.1 low high low high low  low  low
c    s100 Study.1..Effect.2 low high low high low  low  low
f    s104      All.outcomes low   NA low high low  low   NA
g    s104 Study.1..Effect.1 low  low low high low  low  low
h    s104 Study.2..Effect.1 low high low high low  low high
i    s104 Study.3..Effect.1 low  low low high low  low  low

You can see that, for example, for s100 effect = "Study.1..Effect.1" and "Study.1..Effect.2", I filled in q1, q2B, q2C, q2A, and q4 with values from effect = `All.outcomes."

Note that here are studyIDs in the database where this pattern does not occur (i.e., they only have effect = "All.outcomes") and that in cases where a given study does have multiple effects nested within it, the number and names of these nested effects vary (as can be seen comparing studyID = s100 and s104 in the sample data).

Is there an efficient solution to this? Thank you in advance for your help.

#sample data
a <- c("s100", "All.outcomes", "low", "NA", "low", "high", "low", "low", "NA")
b <- c("s100",  "Study.1..Effect.1",    "NA",   "high", "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "low")
c <- c("s100",  "Study.1..Effect.2",    "NA",   "high", "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "low")
d <- c("s101",  "All.outcomes", "low",  "low",  "low",  "high", "low",  "low",  "low")
e <- c("s102",  "All.outcomes", "low",  "low",  "low",  "high", "low",  "high", "low")
f <- c("s104",  "All.outcomes", "low",  "NA",   "low",  "high", "low",  "low",  "NA")
g <- c("s104",  "Study.1..Effect.1",    "NA",   "low",  "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "low")
h <- c("s104",  "Study.2..Effect.1",    "NA",   "high", "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "high")
i <- c("s104",  "Study.3..Effect.1",    "NA",   "low",  "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "NA",   "low")

df <- as.data.frame(rbind(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i))
colnames(df)=c("studyID", "effect", "q1", "q11", "q2B", "q2C", "q2a", "q4", "q9")

2 Answers


Using your sample data:


df %>% 
  replace(. == "NA", NA_character_) %>% 
  group_by(studyID) %>% 
  fill(c(q1,q11,q2B,q2C,q2a,q4,q9),.direction = "down")

This gives us:

# A tibble: 9 x 9
# Groups:   studyID [4]
  studyID effect            q1    q11   q2B   q2C   q2a   q4    q9   
  <chr>   <chr>             <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 s100    All.outcomes      low   NA    low   high  low   low   NA   
2 s100    Study.1..Effect.1 low   high  low   high  low   low   low  
3 s100    Study.1..Effect.2 low   high  low   high  low   low   low  
4 s101    All.outcomes      low   low   low   high  low   low   low  
5 s102    All.outcomes      low   low   low   high  low   high  low  
6 s104    All.outcomes      low   NA    low   high  low   low   NA   
7 s104    Study.1..Effect.1 low   low   low   high  low   low   low  
8 s104    Study.2..Effect.1 low   high  low   high  low   low   high 
9 s104    Study.3..Effect.1 low   low   low   high  low   low   low  

For each studyID you can replace the NA values from columns q1 to q9 with corresponding values where effect == 'All.outcomes'.

df %>%
  group_by(studyID) %>%
  mutate(across(q1:q9, ~replace(., . == 'NA', .[effect == 'All.outcomes'])))

#  studyID effect            q1    q11   q2B   q2C   q2a   q4    q9   
#  <chr>   <chr>             <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#1 s100    All.outcomes      low   NA    low   high  low   low   NA   
#2 s100    Study.1..Effect.1 low   high  low   high  low   low   low  
#3 s100    Study.1..Effect.2 low   high  low   high  low   low   low  
#4 s101    All.outcomes      low   low   low   high  low   low   low  
#5 s102    All.outcomes      low   low   low   high  low   high  low  
#6 s104    All.outcomes      low   NA    low   high  low   low   NA   
#7 s104    Study.1..Effect.1 low   low   low   high  low   low   low  
#8 s104    Study.2..Effect.1 low   high  low   high  low   low   high 
#9 s104    Study.3..Effect.1 low   low   low   high  low   low   low  

For the data shared you have string "NA", for your actual data if you have real NA use is.na(.) in replace instead of . == 'NA'.