I'm attempting to generate documentation for applications in my Elixir project using ExDoc. My project is structured as an umbrella application, with two apps, a functional core and a Phoenix web frontend. When running the command mix docs
from the root of the umbrella, I get the following error message:
** (RuntimeError) expected :name or :app to be found in the project definition in mix.exs
(ex_doc 0.23.0) lib/mix/tasks/docs.ex:328: Mix.Tasks.Docs.run/3
(mix 1.11.3) lib/mix/task.ex:394: Mix.Task.run_task/3
(mix 1.11.3) lib/mix/cli.ex:84: Mix.CLI.run_task/2
(elixir 1.11.3) lib/code.ex:931: Code.require_file/2
The root mix.exs file is as follows:
defmodule UmbrellaProject.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
apps_path: "apps",
version: "0.1.0",
start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
deps: deps()
defp deps do
[{:ex_doc, "~> 0.23.0", dev: true, runtime: false}]
Should I add :name and/or :app values to the list in the project/1
function? If yes, is there a standard convention for what their values should be or can they be anything (within reason)?
I'm using Elixir version 1.11.3.
should be there. Can you remove it and try again? – David Magalhãesversion
in the root mix.exs? It was put there by the mix umbrella generator – KPen:name
-less project? And the only difference is a lack of a version? – KPen