This is the exact step noted from this readme section.twilio queue callback flex plugin
There it is instructed to update accountSid variable. But there is no accountSid variable in appConfig.js (code 1). Assuming, I should add the extra variable I did as showed in code 1 (comment ) below.But, the react app didn't work properly,it didn't show any call baack option or voicemail in the task (image added)
Step 3: Open appConfig.js with your text editor and update the accountSid variable with your account SID: var accountSid = 'ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
//code 1
//assuming here I have to add this line "var accountSid =
var appConfig = {pluginService: {
enabled: true,
url: '/plugins',} ,ytica: false, logLevel: 'info', showSupervisorDesktopView: true,};