
I have an embedded bar chart in a Google sheet. I'd like to change the color of the bars using Google Apps Script. I tried

  var charts = sheet.getCharts();
  var chart = charts[0];
  chart = chart.modify()
    .setOption('title', 'New Title')
    .setOption('series.0.color', 'red')

The title gets updated, but the color does not. I also tried .setColors(), with no effect either. When a build a new chart (newChart()) with the same .setOption('series.0.color', 'red'), the specified color is used.

Which type of chart are you creating? Can you share the creation of the chart as well? Are you using Apps Script or the Visualization API? @Borisale13
@ale13 It's a bar chart. Using Apps Script.Boris

2 Answers


This article gave me a clue

Using the notation .setOption('series', {0: {color: 'red'}}) did the trick!

Is there a reason the original notation doesn't work for modify, only for create? Is that a bug that I should report?


It looks like this has been reported on Google's Issue Tracker here

I suggest you star the issue in order to get any updates related to it.