Hey I'm working on custom input component for integers only, with 2 modes based on acceptNegatives
props, that indicates if it should accept the negative numbers or not, the problem is that my current implementation allows to add multiple -
signs while the component should accept the negatives too.
What I'm trying to acomplish is to on prop acceptNegatives="true"
the component should accept input or paste value like -2
or 2
not -0
or "--", "--2" because those values are treated as empty string for some reason.
Html of input component it uses default input from Buefy
The JS part
- Keydown event handler
handleKeyDown(event) {
const { key } = event;
if (this.acceptNegatives && this.isAdditionalKeyAllowed(event)) {
this.$emit("keydown", key);
if (this.isAdditionalKeyAllowed(event) || this.isValidNumber(key)) {
return this.allowPositiveNumbersOnly(event);
- Is additional key
isAdditionalKeyAllowed(event) {
const allowedKeyWithoutMeta = Object.values(ALLOWED_KEYS).includes(keyCode);
if (this.hasAlreadyMinusSign(event.target.value, key)) {
return false;
if (this.acceptNegatives) {
return (
allowedKeyWithoutMeta || key === "-"
return allowedKeyWithoutMeta;
- hasAleardyMinusSign fn to check if we already have minus sign, fails because - is treated as empty string
hasAlreadyMinusSign(value, key) {
return this.acceptNegatives && value.includes("-") && key === "-";
I've prepared also little demo how it works in Vue. Currently I have no idea how to resolve this. Should I use watcher or the value should be computed value somehow? Thanks for advice.