I want to use the AAD B2C Github identity provider to authorize users in my app. To create a user I need at least get an email from it - but I get nothing. I did set up everything according to docs and I can see in the AAD B2C Users list that Name
is set up correctly for a new user, but User Principal Name
where email should be is null
Here is JWT answer
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "X5eXk4xyojNFum1kl2Ytv8dlNP4-c57dO6QGTVBwaNk"
"exp": 1611879546,
"nbf": 1611875946,
"ver": "1.0",
"iss": "https://apichat.b2clogin.com/4d39cd56-4c18-4bc7-aaa8-36bf91191c8c/v2.0/",
"sub": "dfe38752-113e-4431-b1bd-23dd53119369",
"aud": "341eea81-859c-485c-baea-2cc9f75f6512",
"nonce": "defaultNonce",
"iat": 1611875946,
"auth_time": 1611875946,
"idp_access_token": "c5c79a8f49c44575cf127fc3c64aaa5710a0a465",
"idp": "github.com",
"tfp": "B2C_1_susi_debug"
What do I missing?
After some studying, I have a suspicion that the Github provider here either does not have the required scopes or mappings. I don't see any ways to add it so far. Potentially that might be solved by a generic OpenID Connect provider but Github does not support well-known/openid-connect-discovery
and I have no option to manually set endpoints in AAD B2C.
So far I don't see any way to connect GitHub to my AAD B2C and get that darn email - why the biggest cloud platform does not fully support the biggest dev repository when they have the same owner is beyond my understanding.