I am trying to convert an imgkit image into a PIL image to modify it. imgkit successfully converted the html to image when I tried to use a file. When I use BytesIO and try to convert to a PIL image, im getting an error.
Here is my code:
img = imgkit.from_string(template.render(a=elements, r=range(len(elements))), False, config=config)
bytesImg = BytesIO(img)
image = Image.open(bytesImg) #error here
PIL.UnidentifiedImageError: cannot identify image file <_io.BytesIO object at 0x102082680>
I already saw this and this. Am I incorrectly converting the imgkit image to bytes or is there some other error?
Using Pillow 8.1 Python 3.9 and imgkit 1.0.2
please? – Mark Setchell