
I am trying to convert an imgkit image into a PIL image to modify it. imgkit successfully converted the html to image when I tried to use a file. When I use BytesIO and try to convert to a PIL image, im getting an error.

Here is my code:

img = imgkit.from_string(template.render(a=elements, r=range(len(elements))), False, config=config)
bytesImg = BytesIO(img)
image = Image.open(bytesImg) #error here

PIL.UnidentifiedImageError: cannot identify image file <_io.BytesIO object at 0x102082680>

I already saw this and this. Am I incorrectly converting the imgkit image to bytes or is there some other error?

Using Pillow 8.1 Python 3.9 and imgkit 1.0.2

What are the first 20 bytes of bytesImg please?Mark Setchell
@MarkSetchell . I used a print(bytesImg.read()) and got b'%PDF-1.4\n1 0 obj\n<<\n'. if that is what you are asking forCeres
That looks like a PDF which PIL can only write, not read pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/handbook/… Can you force ImgKit to generate a JPEG?Mark Setchell
Yeah, it worked. I messed up the config variable and it converted it to a pdf instead of image.Ceres

2 Answers


Am I incorrectly converting the imgkit image to bytes or is there some other error?

I would start from checking if your bytes represents image understand by your Pillow. Built-in module imghdr should suffice if you are excepting one of format known by it (see table in docs). Usage in this case:

import imghdr


print(imghdr.what(None, h=img))

If it does identify format then check if it is supported by your Pillow, else you would need to manually check file signature (few starting bytes).


imgkit was converting the html to pdf because the config variable was messed up.


which wkhtmltoimage

to find path to wkhtmltoimage and set

config = imgkit.config(wkhtmltoimage="path found")