
Looking for help on publishing a custom OS image to the Azure Stack Hub Marketplace.

I have published a custom Windows image to the Azure Stack Hub Marketplace.

I can see the OS image in the marketplace but when I go to use it, after completing the values (e.g. name, password, disk type, location, etc) I get an error Selected image is not valid for the specified location. Select a different location

I can use the image from ARM templates and PowerShell to create a virtual machine, but I can't get it working in the marketplace. I suspect I'm missing data in createuidefinition.json from the .azpkg file but that is a guess only. It looks like this (and the imageReference data is correct).

  "handler": "Microsoft.Compute.SingleVm",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "parameters": {
    "osPlatform": "Windows",
    "recommendedSizes": [
    "imageReference": {
      "publisher": "Contoso",
      "offer": "Windows",
      "sku": "Windows-Server-2016-Datacenter"
    "diskType": "Premium",
    "dataDisks": [],
    "supportsSriov": true,
    "supportsBackup": true

I have followed these two guides and figure some things out myself. The Microsoft document is hopeless.



Azure Stack Hub 2008 (though not patched since we installed it a few weeks ago, we are aware there are some updates to do).


1 Answers


@jimbo.19 This isn’t createuidef related.

We make a call to this api to determine if a particular image is valid for a location. /subscriptions/{1}/Providers/Microsoft.Compute/locations/{2}/Publishers/{3}/ArtifactTypes/VMImage/Offers/{4}/Skus/{5}/Versions{6} If this returns that versions exist, we consider it valid. If there aren’t any, we pop up that validation error you mentioned.