I've got a loop that needs to be run in parallel as each iteration is slow and processor intensive but I also need to call an async method as part of each iteration in the loop.
I've seen questions on how to handle an async method in the loop but not a combination of async and synchronous, which is what I've got.
My (simplified) code is as follows - I know this won't work properly due to the async action being passed to foreach.
protected IDictionary<int, ReportData> GetReportData()
var results = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, ReportData>();
Parallel.ForEach(requestData, async data =>
// process data synchronously
var processedData = ProcessData(data);
// get some data async
var reportRequest = await BuildRequestAsync(processedData);
// synchronous building
var report = reportRequest.BuildReport();
results.TryAdd(data.ReportId, report);
// This needs to be populated before returning
return results;
Is there any way to get execute the action in parallel when the action has to be async in order to await the single async call.
It's not a practical option to convert the synchronous functions to async.
I don't want to split the action up and have a Parallel.ForEach followed by the async calls with a WhenAll and another Parallel.ForEach as the speed of each stage can vary greatly between different iterations so splitting it would be inefficient as the faster ones would be waiting for the slower ones before continuing.
I did wonder if a PLINQ ForAll could be used instead of the Parallel.ForEach but have never used PLINQ and not sure if it would wait for all of the iterations to be completed before returning, i.e. would the Tasks still be running at the end of the process.
is not async-friendly, and neither is PLINQ. AFAIK the ideal tool for processing mixed sync-async workloads is the TPL Dataflow library. You can see an example here. Bear in mind that the TPL Dataflow has a -smallish- learning curve. If you don't have time for that, you can just pack theThreadPool
with lots of threads, and process everything synchronously. – Theodor Zoulias