
I have two Eloquent models named Question and Answer with one to many relationship between them (one question has many answers). The hasMany relationship in Question.php is called answers.

I also have a User and a Company model with a many to many relationship between them which uses a pivot model, defined this way:


public function companies()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Company::class)


public function users()
    return $this->belongsToMany(User::class)

When I retreive a question and lazy load its answers:


Everything is okay. The problem comes when I use eager loading:


Something strange happens. In the answers() relationship method of the Question model, I need to get the current user's first company in order to modify the relationship:


Most of the users in my application have one company attaches to them, when using eager loading though auth()->user()->companies returns not one, but 134 companies even though in the database I have only 5 companies and the current user belongs to only one. When I dumped the contents of the auth()->user()->companies collection I saw that the first company model is exists 130 times and the other 4 companies are also included.

This happens only in the answers() method and only when using eager loading. Any ideas why?


  • Laravel version: 6.20.6
  • PHP version: 8.0.1
  • Apache: 2.4.26
  • DB: 10.1.27-MariaDB

1 Answers


I think you need to get more information on the problem. What I normally do is insert ddd() and check the queries tab to see what queries Laravel is using to get the data. This might shed some more light on the problem.