
I am facing the following import error while importing 'emoji' package in python :

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 import emoji

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\emoji_init_.py in 16 17 ---> 18 from emoji.core import * 19 from emoji.unicode_codes import * 20

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\emoji\core.py in 14 import sys 15 ---> 16 from emoji import unicode_codes 17 18 all = [

ImportError: cannot import name 'unicode_codes' from 'emoji' (C:\Users\KUSH\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\emoji_init_.py)

I am working on Windows 10. What should I do in order to rectify this? Thanks in advance.

Please edit the question to include the complete error traceback.snakecharmerb

1 Answers


Try to reinstall the 'emoji' package. The steps are

git clone https://github.com/carpedm20/emoji.git
cd emoji
python setup.py install

if you're working on Linux ubuntu.

But, you're working on Windows so that you have to access this link Emoji Github and then down load the files. Then, on your command prompt(cmd window), you should be in your folder for you to download it using cd command.

Finally, you can execute this.

python setup.py install

If it doesn't work, you can execute this too(if you have pip).

pip install unidecode