
Is it possible to declare "a complete production level EKS with other aws services" using terraform? I know that terraform has an eks module and an aws provider. But I'm not sure if one can create everything (ALB, IAM roles and policies, security groups, ebs, efs, rds, aws networking, ...) using terraform.

I want to learn aws by experimenting. But I cannot afford spending that much money. So I need to be able to destroy everything and recreate the exact infrastructure whenever it's needed.

I've found a really good aws workshop. But like almost all of tutorials, it's based on running "eksctl and aws cli" commands.

Is there a reliable way of declaring everything once and recreate the whole infrastructure declarativly (without touching aws console)?

Have you checked the Terraform tutorial for EKS? learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/eksBabak Naffas
@BabakNaffas No I haven't. But I will. Thanks a lot! But I want to be sure that it's possible and then dive into terraform / eks details.HsnVahedi

1 Answers


Yes, it's possible.

I recommend to try this module - github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-cluster. Cloudposse is doing great job and their modules are well documented and maintained.