I've got an issue when it comes to using Custom Error Templates in Symfony 4.4 Flex. Everything has been set properly according to the guide from https://symfony.com/doc/4.4/controller/error_pages.html
I can access the Custom Error Templates via /_error/{errorCode}
when I run the application with APP_ENV=dev
- but if I change APP_ENV
to prod (with APP_DEBUG
set to false/0 of course), I get the default Symfony "500 Internal Server Error" page. I even tested it after deploying the application on the remote host, and it's the same issue when I try to access /random-unexisting-page (already got the error404.html.twig template set and it works on 'dev' via /_error/404).
I want to know, does it have anything to do with other configuration within /config/ ? Have you got any idea what the issue could be ?