I saw similar issue here on SO (How to get Leaflet for R use 100% of Shiny dashboard height) and this solution worked for me when I used shinydashboard
. Now, I changed to bs4Dash
library (version 2.0.0 downloaded from GitHub) and this solution doesn't work. Crucial code is here:
and CSS:
#map {
height: calc(100vh - 57px) !important;
When using this I can see margin(?) on the right side of the map:
I can't remove this margin at all.
When I add vw
to CSS:
#map {
height: calc(100vh - 57px) !important;
width: calc(100vw - 73.594px) !important;
then this strange margin disappears at all and map is now full size but when I open sidebar on the left and map moves right then scroll bars show up on the right and bottom (which is really annoying):
I tried many CSS combinations to make it work properly but none of them works. All was fine in shinydashboardPlus but in bs4Dash it's not working as before. I also checked this solutions: http://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/7654694 but it's still not a good option.