
AFter adding this plugin image_editor_pro showing this error on getting package..

[memeistan] flutter pub get Running "flutter pub get" in memeistan...
The current Dart SDK version is 2.10.4.

Because image_editor_pro >=1.0.7 depends on cupertino_icons >=1.0.1 which requires SDK version >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0, image_editor_pro >=1.0.7 is forbidden.

So, because memeistan depends on image_editor_pro ^1.0.8, version solving failed. pub get failed (1; So, because memeistan depends on image_editor_pro ^1.0.8, version solving failed.) exit code 1


1 Answers


Either you will try to find version that suits your sdk version, or you will update your dart sdk, or just add image_editor_pro package to dependency_overrides. Last solution may cause some issues so be aware.