Looking at the php example on https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-php-client/blob/2fb6e702aca5d68203fa737f89f6f774022494c6/src/AccessToken/Verify.php#L90,
it appears that Google API signs the tokens using RS256(RSA Signature with SHA-256).
The following code should verify the signature and parse the token.
There is no need to split the token in your code.
jwt.RSACheck(token []byte, key *rsa.PublicKey) (*jwt.Claims, error) in the "github.com/pascaldekloe/jwt" package would do all the heavy lifting for you.
keyLocation is the Google public key stored locally
package main
import "github.com/pascaldekloe/jwt"
//jwtValidator verifies and parses the JWT Token
func jwtValidator(token string, keyLocation string) (j *jwtToken, err error) {
token := []byte(token)
pubK, err := rsaPublicKey(keyLocation)
if err != nil {
// parses the token only if signature is valid
claims, err := jwt.RSACheck(token, pubK)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("token signature invalid %s", err)
if !claims.Valid(time.Now()) {
err = fmt.Errorf("token time constraints exceeded")
j = &jwtToken{
id: claims.ID,
issuer: claims.Issuer,
issued: claims.Issued,
subject: claims.Subject,
expires: claims.Expires,
. – icza