I have multiple App Engine Services in the same Google project. My wish is to enable IAP for some of the services and not others (in the same project), however, I know that this is not possible. For the services that I ideally don't want IAP enabled for, I don't want to just open it up to the whole internet by granting allUser
the IAP-secured Web App User
role. I still would like some sort of IP restrictions on who can access the resources. However, Google clearly says in the docs (https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/managing-access),
Currently, bindings that grant public access can't have a condition associated with it. For example, a policy that allows anyone access to a resource if the request path starts with /public/ is invalid.
The users of this app will be external clients, and so I would ideally not like to go through the process of giving them service account and credential files and sharing with them code to generate an OIDC token.
That being said, is there any work around to still add IP restrictions??