I would like to understand the limits with respect to how long consumer message processing attempts can be spaced apart. For example, suppose I have the following AWS Resources
- SQS Queue (named "SQSQueueName1") w/ redrive configured to send dead letter messages to SQSQueueName1DLQ
- SQS Queue DLQ (named "SQSQueueName1DLQ")
- Lambda Function (named "LambdaName1")
If SQSQueueName1 has a redrive policy with MaxRecieveCount set to 10, how long are the attempts by the consumer to process this message spaced apart in this scenario? Is there any control I have over the duration of time between consumer attempts? For example, can I space them apart such that attempts happen within 10 hours? Or is this control completely non-existant such that all control is delegated to the negotiation between the lambda pollers and the sqs (using visibility timeout + redrive)?
Again, my goal is to see if its technically possible to control the amount of time between invocations to a set amount of time, say 10 hours. 24 hours.