I new one in using antlr and with my c# I am facing to problem in this very simple grammar:
grammar quest;
prog: stat+ ;
stat: expr NEWLINE
expr: INT '+' INT
| INT '-' INT
INT : [0-9]+ ;
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ;
In my Main method I go throght the grammar with input 3+24 which starting in prog rule. After that code jump from Main method to my class EvalVisitor where all magic happens and also there is my question goes.
class EvalVisitor : questBaseVisitor<int>
public override int VisitStat([NotNull] questParser.StatContext context)
int value = Visit(context.expr());
return 0;
public override int VisitExpr([NotNull] questParser.ExprContext context)
int left = int.Parse(context.INT(0).GetText());
int right = int.Parse(context.INT(1).GetText());
if (context.children[1].GetText() == "+")
return left + right;
return left - right;
Is there in IF statemant possible to visit node value of my ANTLR tree which contains token '+' without using children? I do not want also use label alternatives or another rule for the '+' token.
If I would add new rules for tokens '+' and '-' at the end of my grammar:
ADD : '+' ;
SUB : '-' ;
than I would be able to in IF statement (on right side of equality) use instead of "+" number belonging to token '+' by this command:
and again I do not know how to properly find number of token '+' in my context (without using children). For me would be best solution if I could in my IF statement compare:
if (...number_of_token_in_my_context... == questParser.ADD)
Which is similar to ANTLR4 reference by Terence Parr:
/* expr op=('*'|'/') expr */
public override int VisitMulDiv([NotNull] LabeledExprParser.MulDivContext context)
int left = Visit(context.expr(0)); // get value of left subexpression
int right = Visit(context.expr(1)); // get value of right subexpression
if (context.op.Type == LabeledExprParser.MUL)
return left * right;
return left / right;
But I dont want to use no "op" functions, label alternatives etc. because in my aplication I have very complex and general written grammar and I do not want to edit it. I also give a picture of my tree below:
Can anybody help me please?