The current implementation of the VirtualFlow only makes scrollbars visible when view rect becomes less than control size. By control I mean ListView, TreeView and whatever standard virtualized controls. The problem is that vertical scrollbar appearance causes recalculation of the control width, namely it slightly shifts cell content to the left side. This is clearly noticeable and very uncomfortable movement.
I need to reserve some space for the vertical scrollbar beforehand, but none of controls provide API to manipulate VirtualFlow scrollbars behavior, which is very unfortunate API design. Not to mention that most of the implementations place scrollbars on top of the component, thus just overlapping the small part of it.
The question is, "Which is the best way to achieve this?". Paddings won't help, and JavaFX has no margins support. I could put control (e.g ListView) inside of ScrollPane, but I'd bet VirtualFlow won't continue to reuse cells in that case, so it's not a solution.
Expand and collapse node2
, it shifts lbRight
public class Launcher extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
TreeItem<UUID> root = new TreeItem<>(UUID.randomUUID());
TreeView<UUID> tree = new TreeView<>(root);
tree.setCellFactory(list -> new CustomCell());
TreeItem<UUID> node0 = new TreeItem<>(UUID.randomUUID());
TreeItem<UUID> node1 = new TreeItem<>(UUID.randomUUID());
TreeItem<UUID> node2 = new TreeItem<>(UUID.randomUUID());
IntStream.range(0, 100)
.mapToObj(index -> new TreeItem<>(UUID.randomUUID()))
root.getChildren().setAll(node0, node1, node2);
BorderPane pane = new BorderPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(pane, 600, 600);
primaryStage.setOnCloseRequest(t -> Platform.exit());;
static class CustomCell extends TreeCell<UUID> {
public HBox hBox;
public Label lbLeft;
public Label lbRight;
public CustomCell() {
hBox = new HBox();
lbLeft = new Label();
lbRight = new Label();
lbRight.setStyle("-fx-padding: 0 20 0 0");
Region spacer = new Region();
HBox.setHgrow(spacer, Priority.ALWAYS);
hBox.getChildren().setAll(lbLeft, spacer, lbRight);
protected void updateItem(UUID uuid, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(uuid, empty);
if (empty) {
String s = uuid.toString();
lbLeft.setText(s.substring(0, 6));
lbRight.setText(s.substring(6, 12));
Just notice how Qt or GTK widgets display scrollbars. It's always on top. As about your suggestion, well... thank you... but it's very tricky to implement. – enzo