
I have two dense matrices A and B, and each of them has a size fo 3e5x100. Another sparse binary matrix, C, with size 3e5x3e5. I want to find the following quantity: C ∘ (AB'), where is Hadamard product (i.e., element wise) and B' is the transpose of B. Explicitly calculating AB' will ask for crazy amount of memory (~500GB). Since the end result won't need the whole AB', it is sufficient to only calculate the multiplication A_iB_j' where C_ij != 0, where A_i is the column i of matrix A and C_ij is the element at location (i,j) of the matrix C. A suggested approach would be like the algorithm below:

result = numpy.initalize_sparse_matrix(shape = C.shape)
while True:
 (i,j) = C_ij.pop_nonzero_index() #prototype function returns the nonzero index and then points to the next nonzero index
 if (i,j) is empty:
 result(i,j) = A_iB_j'

This algorithm however takes too much time. Is there anyway to improve it using LAPACK/BLAS algorithms? I am coding in Python so I think numpy can be more human friendly wrapper for LAPACK/BLAS.

how sparse is your C? how long does it take to grab all coordinates of the 1's in C? I don't recall any algorithm can reduce this computationBing Wang

1 Answers


You can do this computation using the following, assuming C is stored as a scipy.sparse matrix:

C = C.tocoo()
result_data = C.data * (A[C.row] * B[C.col]).sum(1)
result = sparse.coo_matrix((result_data, (row, col)), shape=C.shape)

Here we show that the result matches the naive algorithm for some smaller inputs:

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

N = 300
M = 10

def make_C(N, nnz=1000):
  data = np.random.rand(nnz)
  row = np.random.randint(0, N, nnz)
  col = np.random.randint(0, N, nnz)
  return sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(N, N))

A = np.random.rand(N, M)
B = np.random.rand(N, M)
C = make_C(N)

def f_naive(C, A, B):
  return C.multiply(np.dot(A, B.T))

def f_efficient(C, A, B):
  C = C.tocoo()
  result_data = C.data * (A[C.row] * B[C.col]).sum(1)
  return sparse.coo_matrix((result_data, (C.row, C.col)), shape=C.shape)

    f_naive(C, A, B).toarray(),
    f_efficient(C, A, B).toarray()
# True

And here we see that it works for the full input size:

N = 300000
M = 100

A = np.random.rand(N, M)
B = np.random.rand(N, M)
C = make_C(N)

out = f_efficient(C, A, B)

# (300000, 300000)

# 1000