
I have developed a Excel based tool by using Power Query and it will be shared with people globally who will be using it. However I am facing a major problem when it comes to Date format as most of my formulas in power query are calculated based on the date column.

Example: India is using DD/MM/YYYY format;
         United Kingdom is using MM/DD/YYYY format
         Austria is using YYYY/DD/MM format
         China is using YYYY/MM/DD format

If I share this tool to all these people it is going to work only for one of them and other 3, it will show "Error" in date column.

Is there a way where I can change the date column to their Local Operating system reginal setting format? or Is there any other better way to fix this? I have tried various options and nothing worked for the given scenario.

I have also tried using Locale option and again it will work only for one scenario. enter image description here

You need to be able to identify which line comes from or is assigned to each region. Use a column with an IF statement to convert each region into ISO standard dates, then it should use locale when used in the browserJon
Thanks Jon, however I figured out a simple way of doing it.user3186707

1 Answers


I figured out a way to fix it. I have used the following formula =Date.From([Date Column],"en-GB") in a custom new column of power query which converts the date format into their Operating System Local Regional format setting and it is working as expected.

I tried with couple of examples and it is working fine.