The question of how to generate a library with type definitions has been asked before here:
Generate declaration file with single module in TypeScript
The answers says that you just need to set "declaration" to true in tsconfig.json.
I have put together a simple example_library and example_library_consumer projects in this github repo:
In example_library I have created an index.ts that exports the class and interface that I want to export:
export * from './ILogin';
export * from './Login';
The typescript compiler generates an index.d.ts that is identical to this and doesn't include a module declaration.
I import the library in example_library_consumer in package.json using this dependency:
"examplelibrary": "file:../example_library"
src/ts/index.ts uses the library thus:
import {ILogin, Login} from 'examplelibrary';
let login:ILogin = new Login("[email protected]", "password");
console.log("Email "+login.getPassword());
Everything compiles ok and the tsc compile generates this:
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var examplelibrary_1 = require("examplelibrary");
var login = new examplelibrary_1.Login("[email protected]", "password");
console.log("Email " + login.getPassword());
When I run this, I get a runtime error:
var login = new examplelibrary_1.Login("[email protected]", "password");
TypeError: examplelibrary_1.Login is not a constructor
Most index.d.ts for libraries use the "declare module" and suspect this is the problem. Can the tsc compiler with the declaration flag set to true generate "declare module"?