
I have a recurring event created in Google Calendar. How can I accept all the future events ("this and following events") for a guest using Google Calendar API?

I found only examples where responseStatus was set for the entire event (all instances) or for a single instance. I can't follow the solution from: https://developers.google.com/calendar/recurringevents#modifying_all_following_instances, because only event's creator is allowed to modify recurring rule of the original event - I have access only to guest's account.


1 Answers


Since you cannot update the recurrence rules of the main event, you can do the following instead:

  • Using the eventId of the recurring event, call Events: instances to list all the instances of the event.
  • Filter the returned instances according to their start and/or end dates, so that past events are removed from the list.
  • For each of the remaining events, call Events: patch in order to update the attendee's responseStatus, this status being:

The only event change that is propagated from attendees back to the organizer