
SPA app signs in the AzureAD and get the access token api:api app id/acces_as_user. However no roles are in the access token.

*created() {
     if (!this.$msal.isAuthenticated()) {        
      // get access token to webapi
        .acquireToken({scopes: ["api://58ca819e-/access_as_user"]})
          auth.accessToken = res

Any idea please?

My configuration:

AzureAD user has been assigned to role admin in api app: enter image description here

SPA client (Vue): configured to azure ad client app

Vue.use(msal, {
  auth: {
    clientId: 'be7e77ba-',
    tenantId: '3a0cf09b-',
    redirectUri: appInfo.redirectUri,
    autoRefreshToken: true,
  cache: {
    cacheLocation: 'localStorage',

ASPNET Core WebAPI: confiured to azure ad api app

"AzureAd": {
    "Instance": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/",
    "ClientId": "58ca819e-",
    "TenantId": "3a0cf09b-"

AzureAD client app: has a permission to api app api:api app id/acces_as_user

API Permissions: enter image description here

AzureAD api app: has scope api:api app id/acces_as_user, app role admin, token configuration to include groups as roles. Token Configuration:

enter image description here

App roles:

enter image description here

Expose an API:

enter image description here

Looks like the configuration is correct. Are you sure you are using the correct account which has been assigned admin app role? And if you decode the access token in jwt.io, does it contain the correct scp claim?Allen Wu
access token has scp: access_as_user which allows me to access webapi but no roles appears.beewest

1 Answers


This is because you select Emit groups as role claims, which covers your app roles.

If you want to get Group claims together with the app roles, unselect Emit groups as role claims and configure "groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup" in the manifest.