
I have a discount code which gives 40% discount when there are more than 50 items, but this also works if I have for example 49 items + 1 other item. I want to make the code work only for the single items that have a quantity over 50.

I assume this would be pretty straight forward if I could access this logic myself. Can someone point me into whereabouts could I find these codes for my discounts?

I would also want my discount code to give 40% for items over 50 quantity, and 50% for items over 200 quantity.

I have found something called "Shopify GraphiQL App" which, if I understand correctly, would help me to modify these discount codes internally.

Any help is appreciated.



I have been playing a bit with GraphiQL, and I have found the priceRule has a field called: allocationMethod (PriceRuleAllocationMethod).

The value of this is ACROSS. Would my discount code have the desired behaviour if I manage to change this to EACH?

How can I modify this, I haven't been able to find an example.


I have tried the following, but for some reason the allocation method is not updated. Can someone explain to me what is happening here? enter image description here

You need to develop it into Shopify APP, right?Onkar
I am not sure tbh. I just want this single discount code to work as expected. I don´t need a full app able to create multiple custom discount codes.VelasArtes
I want to know you want to use in your Shopify store, or want to create it into the Shopify app?Onkar

1 Answers


I think you can do this using Liquid in the theme.liquid file:

{% assign num = 0 %} 
{% for item in cart.items %} #finding how many items in cart
        {% capture temp %}{{ num | plus: item.quantity }}{% endcapture %}
    {% endif %}
    {% assign num = temp %}
{% endfor %}

{% assign new_num = num | plus: 0 %} #converting string to integer

{% if new_num >= 50 %}
    {% assign price = checkout.subtotal_price %}
    {{ price | times: 0.40 }} #40 percent
    {{ checkout.subtotal_price | minus: price }}
{% endif %}

Edit: Maths was wrong in first edit, that should be correct now.