
I am trying to change the shipped via in emails and in order information. I have a custom radio button with customer fields that are filled out only on the checkout page. Currently WooCommerce takes the label of the radio button but not the fields.

I would like to have the fields only in customer email and in the order information under woocommerce -> orders -> order#.

I can get it to change to text but lost on how to include the custom fields on a new line, which are carrier_name and carrier_number - these are the only fields that should show in both email and order information under WooCommerce.

The carrier_name and carrier_number are only available from the checkout page, not the cart page. When the 'Custom Carrier' is not selected it should print in email the correct shipping method, which I think it does by default but just wanted to include the requirement.

The third image shows the order information under woocommerce > orders > order#, this should show only carrier_name and carrier_number.

My code:

//adjusting emails to show custom carrier name and number
add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_shipping_to_display_shipped_via', 'wdo_remove_shipping_label_thnakyou_page_cart', 10, 2 );
function wdo_remove_shipping_label_thnakyou_page_cart($label, $method) {
    $shipping_label = get_post_meta($order->id, 'carrier_name') ;
    $shipping_label = 'Just Test!!!';
    return $shipping_label;

1 The Carrier Info I want to show, under Custom Carrier

1 The Carrier Info I want to show, under Custom Carrier

2 What I can currently get to send in email

2 What I can currently get to send in email

3 Order Information from woocommerce -> orders -> order#

3 Order Information from woocommerce -> orders -> order#

4 Order information without the code I put in, I changed the label using php code on checkout page different from cart page "Custom Carrier (Enter Details Next Page)" to checkout page "Custom Carrier":

4 Order information without the code I put in, I changed the label using php code on checkout page different from cart page  "Custom Carrier (Enter Details Next Page)" to  checkout page "Custom Carrier"


1 Answers


There are some mistakes in your code like for example wrong function arguments…
Try the following instead:

// Adjusting order and emails "shipping via" to show custom carrier name and number
add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_shipping_to_display_shipped_via', 'wdo_filter_order_shipping_to_display_shipped_via', 10, 2 );
function wdo_filter_order_shipping_to_display_shipped_via( $shipped_via, $order ) {
    $carrier_name = $order->get_meta('carrier_name'); // Get carrier name

    // Targeting orders with defined "carrier name" for "Custom Carrier" shipping method
    if ( $carrier_name ) {
        $carrier_number = $order->get_meta('carrier_number'); // get carrier number
        $shipped_via = '&nbsp;<small class="shipped_via">' . sprintf( __( 'via Custom Carrier: %s (%s)', 'woocommerce' ), $carrier_name, $carrier_number ) . '</small>';
    return $shipped_via;

Code goes in functions.php file of the active child theme (or active theme). It should works.

Important note (update):

Change specific shipping method title on WooCommerce orders after checkout answer code replace this answer as it handle the change everywhere including on admin edit orders pages too and it's a much lightweight solution.