Good morning, I have a problem using ajv with a json-schema, when using a $ref to something defined in the same json file. I suspect that the problem is with the use of ids, I would understand more about that.
My files are:
"definitions": {
"$id": "",
"properties": {
"email": {"type": "string", "format": "email"},
"sex":{"$ref": "types.json#/definitions/gender"}},
"required":["name", "surname", "sex", "email"]
"type": "object",
"$id": "",
{"$ref": "#/definitions/person"},
"properties": {
"role":{"$ref": "types.json#/properties/man_role"},
"is_expert":{"type":"boolean", "default":false},
"is_board":{"type":"boolean", "default": false}
"properties": {
"person": {"$ref": "#/definitions/person"},
"member": {"$ref": "#/definitions/member"}
"$id": "",
"type": "object",
"definitions": {
"gender":{"enum": ["male", "female"]},
"man_role":{"enum": ["admin", "supervisor", "clerk", "none"]}
"gender":{"$ref": "#/definitions/gender"},
"man_role": {"$ref": "#/definitions/man_role"}
I looked at this question, but I didn't figure it out how to correct my example. The error I get is:
MissingRefError: can't resolve reference #/definitions/person from id
The references work if I try with VisualStudio Code, e.g I can create a "member" and it recognizes also the properties of "person".
Can anyone tell me how should write these schemas to make them work with ajv?
The code that generates the error is:
import Ajv, {JSONSchemaType, DefinedError} from "ajv"
import {Person, Member} from "./definitions";
import addFormats from "ajv-formats"
const ajv = new Ajv();
const types = require("../types.json");
const PersonSchema : JSONSchemaType<Person> = require('../definitions.json').definitions.person;
const MemberSchema: JSONSchemaType<Member> = require('../definitions.json').definitions.member;
const isPerson = ajv.compile(PersonSchema);
const isMember = ajv.compile(MemberSchema)
//other stuff, use of isPerson and isMember on example objects