Is it possible to set a "default" return value for a RhinoMock stub?
For ex: I have a method that takes in an int
from 1-175 and returns a bool:
internal bool myFunction(int number)
I want to stub this in Rhino Mock so that it only returns true
if the number
is 2 or 3, and false otherwise:
myClass.Stub(x => x.MyFunction(2)).Return(true);
myClass.Stub(x => x.MyFunction(3)).Return(true);
// return false otherwise
However, if I pass any other int in my test (eg. 100), the function will also return true. I want it to return false all cases except the two I listed above. How can I do this?
if(number == 2 || number == 3) { myClass.Stub(...);}
etc... might be a better way (hence this comment vs answer) – mxmissile