I need help in google spreadsheet (Excel). I have three persons, A,B,C and three pages of one spreadsheet , Sheet x, sheet y sheet z. All sheets viewable and editable for Person A only Sheet y and z viewable and editable for Person B and C. The person C must be able to see only Sheet Z. If its possible, please share method. I have tried documentation and Youtube tutorials but not working for me. Here is example sheet link which I have created https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1edP3vVxw9kMLRXF2f8quI5D6APdyXEkSM05_yiCbB2U/edit?usp=sharing
1 Answers
As commented by @player0 you can create three different sheets for each one of the users.
You would be the editor on all the sheets.
Every specific user would be shared its sheet as a viewer of it, so he can't modify the sheet.
Then on the sheets you would use the function IMPORTRANGE
to select what do you want to share on that sheet.
For example for person C you would do:
=IMPORTRANGE("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/MASTER SHEET ID", "Z!A:Z")