I am trying to download the images from a Google Doc to my personal Google Drive. I had it up and running for a minute, but once I dropped the working code into a loop to capture all the images in my document, I encountered a bug. The code stopped saving images to my drive and started saving empty files that are 4k in size and decidedly not the .pngs I'm looking for. I'm relatively positive that I have not hit my daily quota, can any of you make sense of this?
Looking forward to your replies.
Here is my non-functioning function:
function imageExtract() {
var documentName = "googleDoc";
var wd = DocumentApp.openById("<GOOGLE DOC ID>");
var imgCount = wd.getBody().getImages().length; // get the number of images
for (var i = 0; i < imgCount; i++){
var images = wd.getBody().getImages()[i].getAs('image/png'); // get the image blob at index 'i'
var save = DriveApp.createFile((documentName + '-' + i), images); // name + save the image to drive
var imgUrl = save.getUrl();
Logger.log('Saved Image ' + (documentName + '-' + i) + ": " + imgUrl);