We need a user of our application to be able to login from multiple browsers/devices simultaneously with WSO2 IS. Currently we're using OAuth2 implicit grant flow.
- User authenticates first time. He gets access token #1.
- Same user authenticates in second browser or device (same user, same client application/service provider, same scope=openid). He gets access_token #2.
After some time (about five min.)token #1 becomes invalid and user's redirected to login page.
Is it expected behaviour of WSO IS? As per https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.10.0/learn/issuing-new-tokens-per-request/ Identity Server by default should return same token on every request, but it does not.
Is it possible to either return the same access token on every new request for the same user+client+scope or have multiple tokens valid simultaneously?
I've tried to issue several tokens with Authorization code grant. It's worse. After issuing new token previous one is revoked immediately.
After more accurate testing it appeared that with both flows next issued access token exprires previous one.
API calls used:
Example tokens. As you can see expiration time is 10 days.
"sub": "[email protected]",
"aud": "xxx",
"nbf": 1610816073,
"azp": "xxx",
"scope": "openid profile",
"iss": "https://idm.passport.local:9443/oauth2/token",
"groups": [
"exp": 1611680073,
"iat": 1610816073,
"jti": "46ec375e-cb51-4695-869a-07bb737e8de8",
"email": "[email protected]"
"sub": "[email protected]",
"aud": "xxx",
"nbf": 1610816249,
"azp": "xxx",
"scope": "openid profile",
"iss": "https://idm.passport.local:9443/oauth2/token",
"groups": [
"exp": 1611680249,
"iat": 1610816249,
"jti": "94eadf4e-8554-414b-9244-26418f78bf77",
"email": "[email protected]"
At this time introspection call about #1 token returns {"active":false}
Such situation's observed when "Token issuer" is set to JWT on Service Provider settings. If I change the settings to "Default" then IS starts returning same access_token on every request as expected.
)? Did you configure any token expiration time? – Sarangan