
I have a datatype defined as

data Foo a = Foo a (a -> a)

The Foo data constructor has two parameter value and function. I need to write Monad and Monad transform instance for this.

I am trying to implement functor instance,

instance Functor Foo where 
  fmap f (Foo x g) = Foo (f x) (g .(f x))

but I got an error Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘b’.

This is correct because g only accepts of type a and f x will convert a->b .So next I rewrote as

instance Functor Foo where 
  fmap f (Foo x g) = Foo (f x) g

I got the same error "Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘b’".

I also tried this

instance Functor Foo where 
  fmap f (Foo x g) = Foo (f x) (f. g x)

I got Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ b -> a for (g.x)

I am stuck, I know function g only accepts of type a and returns type a. but fmap will convert type a to type b. I think I have to apply fmap over g as well, which I am not able to do.

How do I write the instance for the above datatype?

You can't since the result should be a Foo b (b -> b), but you never transform b to a, hence you can not use the a -> a of the original Foo to construct a function b -> b. Except for the id function (i.e. foo (f x) id), you can not fmap it, but likely that will not hold with the functor laws.Willem Van Onsem
Thank you. This was given as an assignment for the course I took. I will discuss this question with my tutor. Maybe the question has an typo or incorrect.Raviteja Sutrave
@WillemVanOnsem Could you please help me understand why do I get "cannot construct the infinite type" for "g x" ?Raviteja Sutrave
@RavitejuaSutrave: because it expects g x should then have type b -> a, but it has type a, if b -> a is the same type as a then this would result in an infinite recursive type b -> (b -> (b -> ...))).Willem Van Onsem
Note that you can in fact write a mapping function for this type, just not fmap: it would have to have type signature foomap :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Foo a -> Foo b.bradrn

1 Answers


Let us take the types into account, we basically need to convert a Foo a to a Foo b, that means we need to find, given a function a -> b, an element of type a and a function with type a -> a, an element of type b and a function of type b -> b.

Especially the last is difficult, since we are only given a function with type a -> b, and not a function with type b -> a, we can not first convert the input to a a, then process it through the orignal function and then map it back to a b.

It is not entirely impossible to make a mapping that satisfies the types, for example:

fmap1 f (Foo x g) = Foo (f x) (const (f x))


fmap2 f (Foo x g) = Foo (f x) id

But the problem with fmap1 and fmap2 need to satisfy the law:

fmap id = id

In other words fmap id (Foo x g) needs to be equal to Foo x g, now if we use id or const (f x), then id and f x are not always equal to g, at least not if g is a function that can take any form.

If you of course consider Foo x g and Foo x (id x) for example to be equivalent, which might be reasonable in some cases as @leftaroundabout says, then you can implement this as a functor instance.