
I would like to add a new column to the Attributes table on the Attributes add / edit page within Woocommerce / Wordpress admin, using the Wordpress / PHP add_filter command.

As a reference, to add columns in WordPress admin to the Woocommerce All Products add / adit table, the following filter works:

add_filter( 'manage_edit-product_columns', 'add_product_column', 10, 1 )

The All Products page is:


and I see the add_filter follows the pattern:


I cannot find or work out what the filter should be to do the same on the Woocommerce Attributes add / edit page. The page URL for that is:


I've experimented with various combinations using the working filter for the All Products page, but I am not clear how to use add_filter when URL contains both Post Type and Page.

I hope I have explained it clearly. I have searched a lot for the answer, both here and in Google, so if there is a duplicate, I genuinely have not seen anything close to what I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance!


2 Answers


I don't think it is possible, i had a quick peek at the sourcecode of woocommerce. The function that outputs the list you are talking about is located on line 296 of includes/admin/class-wc-admin-attributes.php and is outputting a static column layout.



You could, but i don't recommend it, abuse the get text filter for this

something like this

add_filter('gettext', 'my_custom_column_function', 1, 2);

function my_custom_column_function($text, $domain=""){
 if($domain === 'woocommerce' && $text === 'Order by'){
   $text = $text . "</th><th>My Column Name";
 } else if($domain === 'woocommerce' && ($text === 'Name' || $text === 'Name (numeric)' || 
 $text === 'Term ID' || $text === 'Custom ordering')){
   // Some code here to create the output as text string
   $example = 1 + 2;
   $text = $text . "</td><td>" . $example;
 return $text;

It is only possible to either put the column in front of or after the "Order By" column in this way and I don't know what information is available in the code for using in the output, as this is a very hacky way to do thing I don't recommend using this method