I am inserting a ContentControl into a MS Word document using Delphi 10.4
The content control is inserted, into a bookmark on the template, using the following snippet:
procedure TBF.SetPI;
R: WordRange;
bookmark: OleVariant;
s: string;
s:= 'insert text here';
bookmark := 'textValue';
R := MF.WordDoc.Bookmarks.Item(bookmark).Range;
R.Text := s;
R.HighlightColorIndex := wdYellow;
This successfully creates the ContentControl, however the control is persistant oonce the text has been edited.
Word has an option to mark ContentControls as "temporary" and the VBA for that is
Selection.ParentContentControl.Temporary = True
Delphi exposes the same as R.ParentContentControl.Temporary
which requires a WordBool
Try as I might I cannot get Delphi to accept a True
value and pass it to Word.