
CMake does not find MPI for Fortran.

I am on Arch Linux with CMake 3.19.2. I installed the openmpi (4.0.5-2) package and as stated here I also installed the gcc-fortran (10.2.0-4) package for fortran support.

I my CMake script in the line where MPI should be found:

find_package(MPI REQUIRED)

it tells me that it could not find MPI for Fortran:

-- Found MPI_C: /usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi.so (found version "3.1")                                        
-- Found MPI_CXX: /usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi_cxx.so (found version "3.1")                                  
-- Could NOT find MPI_Fortran (missing: MPI_Fortran_WORKS) 
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:218 (message):
  Could NOT find MPI (missing: MPI_Fortran_FOUND) (found version "3.1")
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /usr/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:582 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
  /usr/share/cmake-3.19/Modules/FindMPI.cmake:1721 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
  CMakeLists.txt:387 (find_package)

When installing openmpi it tells me that fortran support should be enabled:

(2/2) installing openmpi

Optional dependencies for openmpi
    gcc-fortran: fortran support [installed]

There is a file /usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi_mpifh.so. Correct me if I am wrong but I think this should be the correct library file.

Thanks in advance for your help!


I just tried to build a minimal example:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)

With this it finds MPI_Fortran

-- Found MPI_Fortran: /usr/lib/openmpi/libmpi_usempif08.so (found version "3.1")

The CMakeLists.txt is a rather long and legacy one... Seems that I have to find the solution on my own.

It works for me on Arch Linux with the same package versions as yours. Check that /usr/lib/openmpi/mpi.mod exists and that you are not setting some strange value to FC.Hristo Iliev

2 Answers


I solved the problem. As said in the edit of the answer this is legacy cmake and not written by myself.

My fortran skills are not too advanced so I do not know why this is used but the following line did break the finding process of the library:

set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -heap-arrays 0")

If anyone falls into the same trap try to avoid this!


You need to use the COMPONENTS keyword on the find_package command, e.g.

find_package(MPI REQUIRED COMPONENTS Fortran)

Be sure you have Fortran enabled in your CMakeLists.txt either by enabling it in the project command, i.e.

project(name LANGUAGES Fortran)

or by calling


prior to find_package.