We have a DLL, written in Delphi, being called by a Java app. Initially we had issues when using PChar or ShortString but we changed these to PAnsiChar and all our issues seemed to have been solved.
However, when we started deploying the DLL to our clients, about 50% of the installations get the following error: Invalid memory access.
The very first line in the DLL is to write to our log file but that is not happening which indicated there is a problem between the Delphi and Java datatypes. Does anybody have any ideas as to what Delphi and Java data types work well together?
Delphi DLL code:
function HasCOMConnection(COMServerName: PAnsiChar): Boolean; stdcall;
WriteLog('HasCOMConnection: DLL entered');
Result := HasConnection(COMServerName);
Calling from Java:
private interface IPMOProcessLabResult extends com.sun.jna.Library {
boolean HasCOMConnection(String COMServerName);
private boolean canConnectToCOMServer() {
try {
IPMOProcessLabResult lib = (IPMOProcessLabResult) Native.loadLibrary(config.libraryName, IPMOProcessLabResult.class);
return lib.HasCOMConnection(config.comServerName);
catch (Exception ex) {
new AppendLog(new Date(), this.getClass() + "\t" + ex.getClass() + "\t" + "Exception while trying to connect to COMServer: " + ex.getMessage(), "debug");
return false;
on the Delphi side. – David Heffernan