I am trying to figure out how the service discovery works in the Kubernetes cluster. Let's say I've got a service running in the cluster, but I don't know the IP or port. I assume the service discovery is the way to go.
Kubernetes DNS specification says that SRV record must be in the following format:
_<port>._<proto>.<service>.<ns>.svc.<zone>. <ttl> IN SRV <weight> <priority> <port-number> <service>.<ns>.svc.<zone>.
_https._tcp.kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local. IN SRV
_https._tcp.kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local. 30 IN SRV 10 100 443 kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local.
That implies the client needs to know the port (https=443
) upfront to query for the port? It seems like it defeats the purpose of the SRV record. Why would the client query for SRV when the port is already known in the question and the only missing piece is the IP?
What am I missing? How to make this work when the discovering client only knows the name of the service and not the port?