
I have a user who is both Project Admin and Team Admin (all teams) within a project in Azure DevOps. They appear to be unrestricted within the project except when they attempt to modify sprint taskboard settings. They are immediately presented with a warning:

'You do not have sufficient permissions to configure cards for this team. You must either be a team administrator or a project administrator.'

As the user is both project/team admin and able to modify the project's process, I'm at a loss as to what is missing. Or could this possibly be a bug? This is the only thing within the project that is blocking the user.

The screen is under 'Boards/Sprints/[Sprint Name]/[Cog icon in top right]'


1 Answers


The access level of this user is stakeholder. Please contact members of the Project Collection Administrators group to change the access level of the user to Basic.

Users with Stakeholder access level have partial access to Azure Boards in private projects. You can find more detailed information about access level in this document.