
I am deploying from azure devops using a self hosted deploy agent, using azure release pipelines.

The deployment pool is shared and served by one deploy agent running on a windows 2019. All works well for the old project.

I created a new project that consumes the same deployment pool. When i submit a new Release to the pool i got the error:

No agent found in pool DEV Server Pool which satisfies the specified demands: Agent.Version -gtVersion 2.155.1 

I try forcing update on the deployment pool, from the "Organization Settings"->"Deployment Pools" page, but the agent is not upgraded.

How i can i fix this? Should the agent self-upgrade?

According to the error message, you seem to have configured the demands, but the release pipeline cannot find the agent with version 2.155.1. You could open Organization Settings->Deployment Pools->click "..."->click the button Update targets to update it. We could refer to this doc for more details.Vito Liu

1 Answers


According to the error message, it seems that you are using self-hosted agent instead of deployment group, please check the pic below. Demands and capabilities are designed for use with self-hosted agents so that jobs can be matched with an agent that meets the requirements of the job. If it doesn't match, we will get the error message: No agent found in pool {pool name} which satisfies the specified demands: {Demand}

enter image description here

Also we could download the self-hosted agent(version 2.155.1) via this page and then install the agent under the agent pool DEV Server Pool, It will also work.

We could also refer to this doc to update the self-hosted agent.