
I have a "custom_fields "table where I store fields that a user has created. I need to use the "field_slug" value from that table to form the properties in another form. By default the public properties do not exist so an error("Property [$field_name] not found on component") is thrown when an attempt to enter data inside the input field takes place.

I know that livewire utilizes public properties, but because the data coming back is dynamic I am not able to(or know how to) create those public properties for use within the form. So, the "field_name" within the array is what I would want to act as a public property(or this may be an incorrect approach, not sure) so I can store the values entered within the input by a user.

Any useful assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Data within CustomField

enter image description here

Component enter image description here

HTML(blade) enter image description here

According to your code, it is expecting public $field_name in your component.Digvijay

1 Answers


My solution was to call my custom fields query in livewire's mount() method and assign the values to a custom field property. I mutated the values assigned in the $this->customFields property and assigned it to a $this->formSlugs property

public function mount()
    $this->customFields = CustomField::all();

    $data = [];
    $this->formSlugs = collect($this->customFields)->map(function($value) use ($data) {
        $data[$value->field_slug] = '';
        return $data;

public function render()
    return view('livewire.inventory.items.create', ['customFields' => $this->customFields])

In the HTML

@foreach($customFields as $key => $customField)
    <input type="text" wire:model="formSlugs.{{$key}}.{{$customField->field_slug}}" class="form-control focus:placeholder-transparent" placeholder="{{ $customField->placeholder_text }}">