
I'm trying to push an object to the firebase database, but the push() method isn't working and it seems likely it has something to do with the warning I'm getting:

@firebase/database:, FIREBASE WARNING: Firebase error. Please ensure that you spelled the name of your Firebase correctly (https://<DATABASE_NAME>.firebaseio.com)

However it matches databaseURL in the config I have in the App.js

const config = {
apiKey: "<...>",
authDomain: "<...>.firebaseapp.com",
projectId: "<...>",
storageBucket: "<...>.appspot.com",
messagingSenderId: "<...>",
appId: "<...>",
databaseURL: "https://<...>.firebaseio.com",

The method I use to get access to the database:

 const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();
 console.log(currentUser.uid); // works fine
     .push({some object})

I'm using Database location: Belgium (europe-west1) if that matters. And firebase authentication works fine.

firebaser here Answer on how to fix this is below. But can you tell me where you got that config snippet from? I get the correct URL in my tests and if this is a bug I'd love to get it fixed.Frank van Puffelen
I got the config from firebase except for the databaseURL which I added afterwards.milmal
Hmmm... then where did you get that specific URL value from? Thanks for answering btw, as you're not the only one to have problems here.Frank van Puffelen

2 Answers


The databaseURL in your configuration snippet does not seem to match the actual URL of your database.

I recommend getting the correct URL from the Firebase console and putting that in the config.


This error shows up when we create a database in Cloud database. Actually, we need to create a real time database which provides databaseURL.