
So I want to make my bot allow specific messages, like "/verify" in a specifc channel, if someone sent a message other than "verify" the bot should delete the message, however only in a specific channel, I'm new to all of that but I made this code and it's not working

async def verify(ctx):
    user = ctx.message.author 
    role = 'Member' #change the role here
        await user.add_roles(discord.utils.get(user.guild.roles, name=role)) 
        await ctx.send('Welcome to our server! :white_check_mark:', delete_after=1)
    except Exception as e:
        await ctx.send('Cannot assign role. Error: ' + str(e))
    if not msg.content == '/verify':
        await client.delete_message(msg)

    await ctx.message.delete()

any help would be much appreciated.


2 Answers


You can just write a simple check right at the beginning of the function. For example,

async def verify(ctx):
    if ctx.channel.name != "verify":

    # rest of the code

Also, you have not defined msg in your code. So that'll also raise an error


You have to specify what exactly your "msg" is that you want to delete. So instead of msg.delete it should be enough to instead write:

if ctx.message.content == "verify":
   await ctx.message.delete

Because the ctx/context is where you get the information about what kind of message it is, which channel it was posted in and so on.