I'm working on a Flutter app. And I've been trying to run my web-app Google Apps Script through http request since I'm required to use a Service Account and that access isn't supported in the Apps Script API. But I keep getting a 403/Forbidden response to the requests. I have the credentials for the Service Account and I am using its access token in my request but it still doesn't work.
I'm a novice at http requests and new to Google's authentication protocols so I'd appreciate some insight.
Thanks in advance.
return await driveUtils.getCreds(context).then((creds) async {
final drive_scopes = [drive.DriveApi.DriveReadonlyScope, "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file"];
final script_scopes = [app_scripts.ScriptApi.ScriptDeploymentsScope];
return await clientViaServiceAccount(creds, script_scopes+drive_scopes).then((AuthClient client) async {
debugPrint("url = " + url);
debugPrint("token = " + client.credentials.accessToken.data);
return await client.get(url,
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer ${client.credentials.accessToken.data}"
}, onError: onClientError);
}, onError: onCredsError);
Background: The script creates a Form and sets it Destination to a Spreadsheet's ID. Hence, the app requires that anyone who runs it to have a Google account to become the owner of the new Form and obtain access to the Sheet.
Update: It seems that Service Accounts can only access scripts that are within the same Google Cloud Project. This is a big issue since the point of the script is to create a central place for acquiring Form creation functionality for my app. And the app is intended to be used by anyone.
Does anyone have any ideas? Assuming a Service Account is the right Google Credentials for my app, I essentially need the ability to:
- Create a Form that can be assigned to a user
- Designate a user's spreadsheet as the forms response location
- Retrieve the forms publishedURL
My current issue is that if I getting to the WebApp by means of a service account access token. I keep getting a 403 response
, I cannot understand about the detail of your script and settings of Web Apps and the script of the client side. This is due to my poor skill. I apologize for this. About ` I'm currently under the impression that service accounts can only access WebApps in the GCP.`, I cannot understand it. Can I ask you about the detail of it? – Tanaike