
Previously I have installed with Java 15 version.

Recently I have uninstalled java 15 and installed the java 1.8 version.

IntelliJ not automatically not detect the 1.8 version and still looking for java 15 version. So I am getting the below error.

enter image description here

I changed File> Build,Execution,Deployment> Java Compiler> Project bytecode version: 1.8. However, I can't change the Module language level and Project language level to 1.8 because there's not option for that. I still get the same error below.

Someone help me, how to change the compiler path in the IntelliJ Editor.

Make sure the file exists in that location and try adding the jdk to path. If all else fails, you should be able to download open-jdk-15 from project-structure > sdkMick

1 Answers


Java Compiler path is able to change using File -> Project Structure -> SDK's and edit the path as java 1.8 jdk path.

enter image description here