
i am trying to create kubernetes cluster in GCP but i am unable to create and getting following error "Google Compute Engine: Required 'compute.machineTypes.get' permission for 'projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/us-central1-a/machineTypes/e2-medium'". And also getting zonal error as follows "Google Compute Engine: Required 'compute.zones.get' permission for 'projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/us-central1-a'".

what is the out put of this command - 'gcloud auth list' and also roles assigned to this service account?Mahboob
'gcloud auth list' this command gives me my account mail idsai manikanta
It seems, you don't have enough privileges to create kubernetes cluster. Please ask your organistation to grant you kubernetes admin privileges to spin up new cluster.user10780072
Thanks for your information. I have added a role "kubernetes Engine admin " to my account and it is working now.sai manikanta

2 Answers


From the error I understand that it is permission issue.

In order to create a kubernetes cluster create a service account and assigned the editor role the it. Now, activate the service account in gcloud shell. Using the following command create a cluster:

gcloud container clusters create sample-cluster

If still problem persist, you need to grant the following permission to the service account.


Yes, it is a permission issue. I have added "Kubernetes engine Admin" role to my user in IAM then i came to solve my issue to create a kubernetes cluster in GCP, Thanks for your suggestion.