Yes you can parameterize the IR runtime. but it's inner porpoerties.
You can give an alias to the IR you want to use, and use that same alias on DEV/UAT and PROD.
Then that alias will show up in your ARM template requesting a resourceId to the integration runtime to be used for it.
To be even more clear let's imagine you have 3 different ADF accounts:
Someone setup a self-hosted IR and it's resource id is something like:
So in ADF-DEV you will have a IR like this:
"properties": {
"type": "SelfHosted",
"typeProperties": {
"linkedInfo": {
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/some-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/SHARED_ADF/integrationruntimes/SOMESELFHOSTEDIR",
"authorizationType": "Rbac"
Here you can see a custom alias for the IR as SELFHOSTEDGW.
Just point your linked services to this alias, an on Devops just spcifify the different resource ids for this SELFHOSTEDGW alias.