
I followed the steps on MSDN for creating a template. I created a new project in VS2010 and then used the File->Export Template... option to create my template. I went through the wizard and everything seemed to make sense. I left the default Output location alone (it was:

...Documents\Visual Studio 2010\My Exported Templates\MyProject.zip)

and I left the Automatically import the template into Visual Studio checked. I can see the exported zip file (and I tried moving a copy to the:

Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#

folder. But when I start up a new instance of VS2010 and use File->New Project I don't see my template. I was expecting that in addition to RecentTemplates/ Installed Templates/ Online Templates I might get a new category for User Templates. Failing that I thought it might be under Installed Templates but there is nothing new there. Where is my template supposed to appear? Did I miss a step?


2 Answers


Duh, It was working I just didn't know where to look. I would bring up the new project template and search through all the leaf nodes. Turns out I had to click on the Visual C# root in the tree view (it appears to not be in any of the leafs). This always trips me up in tree views, I never expect the root to have options, let alone be the only place that has an option. enter image description here


I think you should restart( quit and run again) your visual studio!