We've been following https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/dead-letter-topics and nodeJS client to create, update our pubsub topics and subscriptions but after following:
async function createSubscriptionWithDeadLetterPolicy() {
// Creates a new subscription
await pubSubClient.topic(topicName).createSubscription(subscriptionName, {
deadLetterPolicy: {
deadLetterTopic: pubSubClient.topic(deadLetterTopicName).name,
maxDeliveryAttempts: 10,
`Created subscription ${subscriptionName} with dead letter topic ${deadLetterTopicName}.`
'To process dead letter messages, remember to add a subscription to your dead letter topic.'
We get this in the dead-letter
This Suggests running the command in CLI for each dead-letter but we don't want to do it manually for each subscription is there a way to do this in nodeJS client itself? Or doing so for all the subscriptions once and for all even for the new subscriptions that will be created in given project later on.